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Payment And Print Process
All print jobs will be processed after the full payment is successfully received. In case, the remitter is different, you should let us know it by email or phone immediately. We are not responsible for any delays caused by late payments.
The printing industry has natural color deviation between print jobs - 5-7% is quite normal. So please understand that no two print jobs will be identical. This is why we will re-print your order or issue a refund only if the colors are significantly different from the artwork or if the cutting is obviously crooked.

Artwork Responsibility
You are responsible for the files that you send - make sure that the artwork is set up with bleeds, is done in the CMYK mode, has a resolution of 300 dpi, is outlined or flattened, and contains no spelling errors. The only thing we check is the correct size. Received files are often printed the same day the order is placed, therefore modify the file if necessary. We do our best to stick to our production schedule, but please understand that there can be delays due to equipment malfunction, holidays, employee mistakes, and other unforeseen circumstances.

All products will be shipped with DHL express. It normally takes 2-3 business days to delivery them to most places in the world. We can arrange for blind shipping if you so require. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for errors and mistakes caused by DHL, delays caused by the customs agents of the destination, or incorrectly provided shipping address and or phone number. We are not responsible for the product once it leaves our printing facility.

How We Deal With Files
The files that you send us will be kept on hand for six months. You will have to send us new files after six months.

Product Storage
Printed items will be stored for three days and then thrown out if there is no contact from the customer.

How We Deal With Errors
If there is a problem when you receive your order, such as damaged product or color issues, you need to let us know right away. We will not take any claims if two weeks have passed after the delivery.
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