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General questions

What program(s) do you accept files in?
We accept files in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 or lower & Illustrator 11.0 or lower( these are standard formats). Also any file saved as a .tif, .jpg or .eps .cdr, .ai, psd file We use both PC and MAC platforms (Please make sure that the text is converted to outlines/curves to avoid font problems).

Are there any setup charges for the color cards?
Absolutely NONE!!! You only pay for the price of the cards plus shipping. You do not pay setup, backside print, or lamination charges.

What is the turnaround time?
This varies between jobs. For business cards, postcards, stickers, bookmarks and short runs(under qty 5,000) of brochures/flyers, it is 5-6working days.

What resolution should I save my images/files in?
We recommend that the file or image should be at least 250dpi. However, for the best quality print, we recommend 300dpi.

What size should I set my business cards at?
The cards should be set up to 3.6" x 2.1"(92*54mm) and will be trimmed to the standard 3.5" x 2".(89*51mm) For all other sizes please add .1" around the file for bleed.

What machines do you use to print?
We use Offset press, not a low quality digital press. We print at the highest quality of 200 line screens.

What is the payment system?
We accept the following worldwide admitted payment methods: Paypal , Worldpay and any bank account payment system. Generally we require that payment should be made at the time of order. You can choose any payment system convenient for you.

How do I order?
There are two ways to order. You can order easily by using the online design program called Mycreator or you can use the file upload system in the online order system.

Whit is your ARTWORK SPECS?
We provide ARTWORK SPECS for general printing and your artwork program spec. Artwork & File Spec

Tell me about pricing and the minimum quantity accepted?
You can check out all Spec details and price lists at Products & Prices.

How can I register as a partner?
Firstly, if you are not just an end user or customer you can become one of our dealers.. Once we provide you with your ID and password, you will automatically receive the authority to build your business web site through Mypageok. Then, according to your requirements, you will be able to build your own individual printing shopping mall.

How can I change my information?
You can revise it through Change Information.

Can I change my price list for customers on my website myself?
Yes, you can put in your own price lists by pressing the Insert Price button.

Building a website

Do I have to pay to build a website and are there other user charges?
No, We are willing to support you in developing your printing business, so we provide all systems free of charge.

How can I build up my homepage?
There are two ways to create your website. If you wish to have your own domain name for the website, you have to register with a domain registration company first. Having done so, you should then put your new domain name in Mypageok.com. eg)http://www.yourdomain.com Another way is to get your desired name address from us. In this case, you do not have to pay to keep the name. eg)http://yourname.mypageok.com

If I have my own website already, what can I do?
Even if you have your own homepage, you would be advised to build another homepage through Mypageok. You will have to drag all source code from Mypageok and copy them and then paste them anywhere in your own website source code. Your customers will then be able to see the banner on your website and can access it when ordering.

Is there any information about any other company on my new homepage?
No, We will not give your customers any information apart from yours. They will not even know how your website was built.

Document Design

What resolution does my artwork need to be for uploading?
As you know, if you use an image from online, these images are usually 72dpi , which is not appropriate for offset printing. If you make them high resolution, the actual image size will be shrunk. In other words, when you have completed your art work the exact size, for best results, save it at 300 dpi (dots per inch) for the final print dimensions.


When ordering, what does ERROR mean?
We normally send you the reason for ERROR by email. Checking the processing window at the order management system is always necessary. After doing so in this case, please reorder.

What would be the case for ERROR?
We normally check all files to ensure the best results and sometimes amendments are necessary. The reasons are usually font errors(without outline creation), too low resolution, not enough margin at the edge for cutting or incorrect document dimensions compared to order information.

How do I change an already placed order?
We always try to give the best service as quickly as possible. If you do not amend your order within one hour of your initial order, we will normally carry on with the job. It is therefore necessary to pay careful attention when ordering. To revise anything after production , please notify us before shipping and within 24 hours. Then reorder the amended files. In this case there will be additional production charges.

Is there any deadline for notifying errors?
Yes, you should notify us within 2 weeks of receiving your products.

How can I obtain product samples?
You can request samples at any time.. Notify us by message box or email when your order is placed and we will normally send them together with your products.

Do I have to pay for the Business Kit?
No, It is designed to help our dealers' business, so we provide all products and systems free of charge.

Can I edit the design of an already uploaded file through Online design program?
If you want to revise the design, you should first cancel production and then reorder with amended file.

How can I ask for an estimate?
However if you require a more complicated estimate, please call or email us.

How to use program

How do I get the manual for using Mycreator?
The manual for the online design program is in the "How to use online design order" section which includes detailed information with pictures.

How do I get the manual for using Myprinter?
You can obtain detailed information and pictures from "How to use file upload order."

How do I get the manual for using Mypageok?
You can obtain all detailed information and pictures for building a website through 'How to make a homepage"

Shipping and Delivery

What is your turnaround time?
We generally deliver via the DHL Express Service. General deliveries are within 3 days except for special areas.

Which shipping methods do you use?
For deliveries within the United States, we generally deliver via the US Postal Service. For orders that exceed the weight of two pounds, we generally deliver via UPS or Airborne.

Is there any other method for shipping?
We produce and service round the clock to give the best delivery time and guaranteed quality. We do not use other methods of shipping.

What countries do you ship to?
We ship to countries all over the world and add new destinations regularly. We currently ship to (eg) America, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Japan, France, German, the Netherlands, Ireland. etc.

Printing and Processing

Why do certain colors look different after printing?
There are many possible factors that can affect the color on your printed materials. The weather outside can play a part in affecting how the ink dries on the paper, and can change the color slightly. The ink density and constant on-press fluctuations in color, printing press running temperature or blanket wear, may also affect color slightly. It is impossible to expect any professional printer to produce exactly the same printed blue on two separate days. However, we do have high quality controls to ensure as little variation( +, - 5% standard deviation ) as possible, especially within a single product order.

What is the difference between full color and 4 color products?
Full color and 4 color mean the same thing. Offset printing is done by a 4 - color Process such as C(Cyan), B(Bue), M(Magenta), Y(Yellow). However the monitor color is done with 3colors R(Red),G(Green), B(Blue), so be aware that monitor color and printing color are different.

About Dealer

Is it possible for my client and sub-dealer to do their own marketing through Mypageok?
Yes it is possible, if you register them as your sub-dealer at the order management system (Myprinter). They can then build their own homepage through the ID and Password provided by you.

Can I check the orders from my sub-dealer?
Once you register your sub-dealer's ID and Password at the online order system (Myprinter), you can check their orders through the order list that automatically links you to your registered sub-dealer's ID and Password.

How can I register my client and dealer as my sub-dealer?
After you log-in on our website, you can register your sub-dealer through the order management system(Myprinter)

What is a sub-dealer?
You can do marketing with your clients or printing related shops. And your dealer may wish to do marketing with our system. If so, you would need to register him or her as your sub-dealer, which means they can use our system free of charge at any time. This would enable you to develop your sales.

How should my sub-dealer produce his price lists?
Just as you do, they can put their price list on their website.

What benefit do I get from increasing my sub-dealer's sales?
It is up to you to decide what prices you charge your sub-dealer. You just have to pay for your order and when you receive payment from your sub-dealer, that money is yours. So if your sub-dealer does well, it means your sales go up too.

How does my sub-dealer order?
In exactly the same way as you do. However, his or her sales are automatically registered on your order lists which we invoice you for.

Can I change the prices in my own price lists for my clients?
You can change your price lists however you want to for your clients through Mypageok.

Who are going to be my target clients and how do I do my marketing?
Marketing can be done in various ways such as postcard direct mail, letters, sales promotions, advertising in magazines and through other media advertisements.

We are ready to fully support your business development. Can I receive payment from my clients through my website?
You can include payment information for your clients when you are building your website. You can then receive payment through Paypal or directly through your bank account.

Responsibility Limitation

What happens if I receive a faulty product with errors caused by TEMCO or if I am wrongly invoiced?
If we are responsible for the error, we will reprint and ship free of charge.. We will also send a new invoice to you as soon as possible.

Is all my registered information and data safe?
Our server has installed a double layer protection security system for our dealers. We secure all data with a"No power cut system", constant temperature , constant moisture, dustguard, and fire-protection location. We also ensure that all data is carefully saved through the back-up system.

Do you have an effective period user system?
NO, if you follow our dealer policy and have no problems in being one of our qualified dealers,you can carry on using our system.
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