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Through a clear enterprise management, and continual technique developments,
the main goal of TEMCOPRINT.COM is to assist all of our dealer's to achieve their business success.

A. Equipment
Printer: KOMORI Lithrone 26 2ea
Generator: Scitex Dolev 800V, PLATERITE 8600 - Thermal Plate Recorder 8-Up
Digital printer: Document Centre C320
Scanner: Celsis 6250
File Server: 1ea
Web Server: 2ea

We at TEMCOPRINT.COM, through some of the best self created techniques
in the world have developed our online ordering system “MYCREATOR” and management system “MYPRINTER”.
The “MYCREATOR” and “MYPRINTER” systems support our dealers by allowing them to connect online easily
and comfortably anywhere in the world and to produce, print and receive items with speed and accuracy.
Also we have many highly trained designers within our design team that can assist dealers
in creating beautiful designs quickly, easily and comfortably.

TEMCOPRINT.COM consisting of our Marketing Team (overseas sales and consultation),
Production Team (item production and transportation),
Design Team (design and program production, research and development)
and Marketing Support Team (management and support) always promises to serve our customers
with the utmost level of diligence and kindness.
Our staff has over 10 years of extensive training and an equal amount of experience,
as well as possessing an advanced knowledge of delicate print processing techniques.
We are dedicated to continually and thoroughly researching better designs, specialized printing, and training techniques,
in our commitment to enhancing our staff, to provide the best service and care for our customers
as well as our own employees.

D. Development Possibilities
Every year we meet or surpass a 200% sales increase.
This kind of success is achieved in conjunction with our dealers,
which basically means that our sales rate can’t increase unless our dealer’s sales rates increase.
Because of this staggering success rate we are continually pursuing this method of conducting business with our dealers.
The foundation of TEMCOPRINT.COM’s success can be attributed to our investment of more than 20% of all profits
into research and development for our techniques and services.
All of our dealers from around the world are consistently pleased with our goods and services.
We are currently the supplier of a large well known printing/copy company
(whose name we will refer to simply as company K out of respect for their business and to not infringe on their customer sales)
who buys and sells our products because of our consistent accuracy and high quality.
There are many dealer companies that you may have bought our products from without ever knowing.
In the future more and more large scale printing companies will be selling our products.

Temcoprint.com we are offering an opportunity of success to anyone who is looking for a new business venture
or change of business venue.
Due to the fact that there is no need for an investment of money into temcoprint.com
you can achieve business success by high profit through sales.
Don't take our word for it, you can find out for yourself directly through all of our other dealers and agents
who are all leading a successful business through temcoprint.com and not a single one of them have ever invested any money.
We are continually putting forth 110% effort to achieving the best printing system
in the world and all of our dealers and agents can reap the rewards of our hard work.

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